Unlocking Administrator Capabilities: A Comprehensive Overview of Essential Configuration Settings in IdeaScale
You will need to have Administrator access to configure the settings described below. If you are not a Global Administrator, please contact your IdeaScale Site Owner or Administrator.
Table of Contents
- Member Profile Questions
- Incoming Moderation
- Member Management Dashboard
- Idea Portfolio
- Idea Ownership
- Reporting & Analysis Dashboard
- Capturing and Estimating the Value of an Idea
- Jira Integration
- Exporting Data
- Custom Field Moderator
- Automation Builder
- Project Management Features
- Importing Members
- Evaluating ideas with the Assessment Stage
- AI-Powered Idea Submission
- Fund Stage
- Introducing IdeaScale Whiteboard
Member Profile Questions
When members join your community, you can set up Member Profile Questions to gather more information from them. This helps you to learn more about your community members and group them based on their interests, preferences, and demographics. Additionally, the Member Profile Questions can serve as a valuable source of insights and feedback for your innovation management strategy.
Video Overview:
Help Articles:
Incoming Moderation
The Incoming Moderation dashboard simplifies the process for moderators to manage submitted ideas and respond to idea submitters. With the ability to link and sort ideas, moderators can easily advance ideas to new stages of development. This feature streamlines the moderation process and enhances collaboration between moderators and community members.
Video Overview:
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Member Management Dashboard
Member Management allows you to search and select members to take action such as approve, ban, send a private message, and more.
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Idea Portfolio
Idea Portfolio grants Moderators an easy-to-use method of organizing, sorting, and tagging all ideas that have been submitted. The ideas, campaigns, and groups that moderators can see will depend on the type of moderator they are: Global, Campaign, or Group Moderator.
Video Overview:
Help Articles:
Overview of the Idea Portfolio
Idea Ownership
Moderators or administrators can assign an Idea owner to partly manage specific ideas. Multiple owners can be given to a single idea.
Video Overview:
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Reporting & Analysis Dashboard
The Reporting & Analysis Dashboard helps you to monitor engagement and outcomes across your campaigns.
Video Overview:
Help Articles:
Overview of the Reporting & Analysis
Capturing and Estimating the Value of an Idea
There are several ways to capture and report on an idea’s value, costs, and other financial fields in IdeaScale.
Video Overview:
Help Articles:
Custom Fields On Idea Submission Tool
Jira Integration
Our Jira integration with the IdeaScale community allows users to track, update and follow ideas being submitted in the community. Jira can help you to further project manage selected ideas until they are implemented.
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Exporting Data
IdeaScale allows you to export your community’s data in several Excel report formats.
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Authentication Audit Log Export
Export Idea Data (Comments &Tags)
IdeaScale Community Data Export
Export Attachment Download Log
Schedule IdeaScale Community Data Export
Custom Field Moderators
Custom Field Moderators can be responsible for moderating ideas with responses to specific custom fields used in the Idea Submission Form. Each custom field answer can be assigned to the same or different moderator. Custom Field moderators are assigned to moderate standard user as well as moderator only profile answers as well.
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Automation Builder
The Automation Builder is valuable in helping you save time by automating actions within your workflow based on the rules you set.
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Project Management Features
There are several IdeaScale features that support project managers who are responsible for developing ideas into solutions. It is a best practice for a campaign team to discuss which features will be utilized, and how, prior to launching campaigns.
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Importing Members
Uploading a list of new members to your community is easy via a bulk import of an Excel sheet.
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Evaluating Ideas with the Assessment Stage
The Assessment stage allows ideas to be evaluated by custom questions and ratings answered by a set of assessors that were assigned by the administrator of the community. Using this stage is a great way to organize, prioritize, and get buy-in for your community's ideas.
Video Overview:
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AI-Powered Idea Submission
Idea submitters struggling to find the right words, or feeling stuck in the creative process, can be aided by the power of artificial intelligence when detailing idea descriptions and concepts.
NOTE: Our AI assist for idea descriptions is currently, live within our Tesla public community for users to try. AI assist is an add-on paid feature. If you are interested in our AI integration for the community, please contact your customer success manager or sales team member.
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Fund StageIn the Fund stage, currencies, tokens or hours, can be allocated to individual members or groups. These members or groups can commit money, or work hours, to the ideas in this Fund stage.
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Introducing IdeaScale Whiteboard
Meet IdeaScale Whiteboard, our native whiteboard, and visual collaboration software that will ridiculously simplify how our users brainstorm, collaborate online, and implement their ideas within IdeaScale.
Video Overview:
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Please check back here periodically for new training videos on advanced settings, configuration, and innovation management strategy.
Please email our Support Team to discuss specific features and technical software needs: support@ideascale.com.
Please email IdeaScale Professional Services to discuss additional training or to provide feedback on this guide and services: PS@ideascale.com.