Path and details about idea data along with comments and tags
Path: Settings Dropdown >> Reports & Analysis >> Export Data >> Export Idea Data with Comments and Tags
Export Idea data feature allows community administrators to export idea data along with Comments and Tags. The first sheet in the report focuses on ideas and comments while the second shows the number of time tags used on a particular idea. This helps the administrator to get a view of tags usage on the idea.
1) Filter Data:
Date: Administrator can mention the start date and the end date to download data for a specific period of time. If Hide Data Filter is selected, all idea data from the beginning to the current date will be exported.
3) Campaign: Administrator can select the campaign for which they wish to download the data. Selecting All campaigns will export data including Archived Campaigns.
4) Include Geo Location: Enabling this option adds geolocation of the users.
Note: This information will be visible only if the user has allowed to share it. Location is determined by IP address. In some cases users may be using a VPN to mask their location. We report to the best of our ability.
Fields on Exported Excel sheet
Sheet 1: Contains Ideas data in detail with the following fields -
Idea ID
Idea Number
Idea Status
Author Name
Author Email Address
Campaign Group (If any)
Net Votes
Votes Up
Votes Down
Idea Title
Idea Details (body of idea)
Idea URL
Comment Count
Actual Comments
City (If Include geolocation is enabled)
Region (If Include geolocation is enabled)
- Country (If Include geolocation is enabled)
Sheet 2: Tags data shows statistics of user/predefined tags on idea with the following fields
Idea ID
Idea Number
Idea Title
Tag one
Tag two
Tag three and so on.
Sheet 3: Moderators Tags shows statistics of tags used by moderator on ideas (similar to sheet 2 format)
Sheet 4: Pending Ideas (similar to sheet 1)
Sheet 5: Recycle bin Ideas (similar to sheet 1)
Sheet 6: Off-Topic Ideas (similar to sheet 1)
1. The idea title and idea description columns will display the customised names if it is customised in the Idea Submission form.
2. Any images that is pasted in ideas or comments section will be auto named using random set of characters.