IdeaScale Workspaces

A centralized hub that fosters better communication, resource-sharing, and collaboration across multiple communities.

IdeaScale Workspaces is an upcoming feature release designed to enhance how communities within IdeaScale connect and interact. This update aims to improve the management of diverse innovation projects.

Why Workspaces ?

New features and settings introduced with Workspaces

Additional Resource for reference 

Migration process - essential information for the Administrators 

Why Workspaces:

Present Challenge: Organizations create various communities based on projects, departments, or target audiences, with some being internal and others external. Currently, each community requires individual setup, including separate configurations for authentication methods and security policies. Administrators must also manage and maintain members separately for each community.

This fragmented approach creates a significant administrative burden, as managing the same set of members and handling multiple authentication mechanisms across different communities is both time-consuming and challenging. It impedes productivity and scalability, making it a considerable administrative strain.

IdeaScale's Solution:  Workspaces

With the introduction of Workspaces, we aim to consolidate all members of an organization under a single framework. Within this framework, members can be organized into specific communities and groups as needed. Workspace Administrators will oversee all authentication methods and security policies, ensuring streamlined management and enhanced security across the platform.

The Workspace settings provide a baseline for all communities. However, communities have the flexibility to customize and control certain aspects, tailoring their working environment to their specific needs while still operating within the broader organizational framework.

New Features and Settings introduced with Workspace

With the release of Workspaces, several new settings and features are introduced to enhance the user experience and assist administrators and moderators in effectively managing the workspace and its communities. 

Topbar: A persistent top bar to navigate scope between Communities and Campaigns.

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  • Apps Menu:  Central menu for accessing all apps. 

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  • Member Management: An improved Member Management design includes member details in a side panel. The Group tab serves as a Group Management interface, allowing users to create and manage groups. Users can create new groups by combining existing ones and utilize the same workspace-level groups across multiple communities. For instance, a single group of SMEs can review ideas across all communities.

Member Management Interface

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Group Management interface

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  • Workspace Home Page: When logging in to the Workspace, all the users will land on the Workspace home page. The home page of Workspace displays communities that the user is currently a participant of, communities they have the option to join, and communities they have been invited to. This interface enables users to easily see all of the communities they can engage with.

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Notification Alerts for Workspace Admins:  The newly introduced workspace admin-specific notifications are designed to empower administrators with timely and actionable insights, facilitating smooth and efficient workspace management. These notifications keep admins updated on crucial activities like new member signups, seat availability, and community expiration, enabling admins to efficiently oversee the workspace.

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Profile Page: Redesigned profile interface for easier access to action items and personal preferences. Users in workspaces with multiple authentication methods can easily see the source of their profile information. 

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Workspace Settings: Workspace settings are inherited by all communities, simplifying initial setup and management. Most of the settings available at the Workspace level are also available at the community level. However, there are a few settings that are found only at the Workspace level. Here are some settings which are unique to Workspace.

  • Custom Domains: Configured only at Workspace level.
  • Custom Favicon: Custom Favicon images can be uploaded only at the Workspace level.
  • Security Policies: Set at the Workspace level by the Workspace Admins; communities cannot override these settings.
  • Single SignOn and Social login: All Single Sign on methods are configured at the Workspace level. Similarly all social logins are enabled at the Workspace level. Community Admins can only select from the login options made available to them by the Workspace Admin.
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  • Community Settings: Displays "Inherited from Workspace", overridden, and reset labels. These labels help to distinguish between settings that are customized for the specific Community and those that follow the default Workspace settings.

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  • Community Access Rule: Community Administrators will utilize this setting to choose the login methods that their specific community will support. The available login options displayed here are those that have been authorized by the Workspace Administrators.

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