Manage Workspace

The below article has an overview of all the settings that would be available in Manage Workspace


Path: Workspace Landing Page >> Grid Icon >> Manage Workspace

workspace landing

Manage Workspace consists of mainly four settings which allows us to customise and set up the workspace features as per your requirements. Once the settings has been enabled it will be applicable for all the communities under this workspace. However in case the admin would like to make changes in the community level it will override the workspace settings for that particular community only.

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General Settings:
This setting allows you to set up your workspace with four sub-settings mainly the workspace info, language settings, email and notifications and member profile questions. 

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To learn more about these settings: General Settings

Customization: This section allows you to make changes to enhance the look & feel for your workspace according to your preference by using and changing various settings.

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To learn more about these settings: Customization

Security: This section allows you to set various types of access restrictions or auto approvals, curse filtering as well as SSL security & Government compliance settings. This  also has settings which enabled to set up various types of logins for your user.

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To learn more about these settings: Security

Data Management: This setting allows the admin of the workspace to mange, erase or delete members and communities.

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To learn more about these settings: Data Management

Last Updated: September 6, 2024