Workspace Homepage

Overview of the sections available when you login to a workspace.

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The Workspace Homepage is the first view visible to a member upon logging in if there are multiple communities within the Workspace.

Note: For Workspace with a single community, members will be navigated directly to the community while the Workspace admin will be directed to the Workspace Homepage.

Depending on the member status, a member will have certain options/sections available to them.


Community Administrator & Moderator

Workspace Administrator


A member will see the following:

Member Count

A member count below the Workspace name indicates the number of active members within the workspace. It doesn't count pending or banned members.

Your Communities

This section displays a member's communities and their respective active campaigns and members count.

  • The lock icon beside the community name indicates that the community is Private.
  • Clicking on Heart icon marks the community as a favourite and places it at the start of Your communities list.
  • More icon (3 dots) has a Leave community link to remove oneself from the said community.

Communities you can Join

This section displays the list of communities based on the following criteria:

  • Communities that a member can join within the Workspace are based on group permission.
  • Communities where the member is invited will show Accept/Reject button with which they can become a member or reject the invite.
  • Communities available to the member will show Join community button.
  • Communities joined by the member but awaiting moderator approval will show Join Request Sent and will be placed at the end of the Communities You Can Join list.

Help article on Join a community. 

Leave Workspace

Members will see the option to leave the Workspace under the More (3 dots) option if it is enabled.

The member will be reminded to export their data if they wish to and also the details of what leaving a workspace entails. Once a member has left the workspace, they will need to register for it again to join.

Note: All members, administrator and moderators will get the option to Leave Workspace except Workspace Owner.

Community Administrator & Moderator

Besides Leave community option, Community admin & moderator get the option of Community Settings and Incoming moderation depending on permissions

Community Settings: This provides access to Community Settings section for the selected Community to manage community-related settings. (Not available to Community moderator)

Incoming Moderation: This provides access to the Incoming moderation section of the selected community for moderating the ideas. (Not available to Community Admin if they are not a moderator as well.)

Workspace Administrator

The Workspace administrator has access to additional features on the Workspace landing page, in addition to those available to the community administrator & moderator. Workspace administrators are by default, Global admins & moderators to all the communities within the workspace.

Add Members

This button opens a pop-up to quickly add members to a workspace. Put in one email address per line without any comma or space after it. A maximum of 3000 members can be added at a time.


Create Community

The Create community button allows the creation of a new community within the workspace. This button will be available only if the Workspace subscription permits the creation of additional communities.

Help article on Community creation - to be added

Billing & Subscription

Clicking on the More icon (3 dots) beside the Create community option navigates to the billing and subscription section.


Note: Leave community option will not be available to the Workspace Owner.

Last Updated: September 13, 2024