General Community Settings

Details about basic community settings like Community status, language, timezone and date format


Path: Community Topbar >> Apps icon >> Community Settings >> General Settings >> Community Info >> Community Settings

The Global Community Settings panel allows the Community administrator to edit the main components of their IdeaScale community like its status, language, timezone and date format.

During community creation, all these settings except Status are inherited from the default workspace settings. Community administrator can change this and customize as per requirement. 

Labels appearing beside the settings are:

  • Inherited from Workspace: Indicates the setting is taken from the workspace defaults and not customized at the community level.
  • Overridden: Indicates the setting has been customized for the community, deviating from the workspace default.
  • Reset: Allows reverting the setting back to the inherited workspace value, removing the community-specific customization.

Community settings is part of the Basic Setting.

  1. Status: The Community administrator can set the status of the community to Active or Disabled.

    Help Article on different Status of IdeaScale communities.

  2. Language: The Community administrator can change the system prompts to a different language by choosing the desired language from the drop-down box. The community will be displayed in the selected language by default for the members who have not selected a preferred language in their Profile.

  3. Default Community Timezone: The default timezone will be always considered as America/Los Angeles. Members can select any other timezone as per the region.

  4. Default Community Date Format: By default, the members who have not set any preferred date format in their profile, will see all the data within the community in the default format selected by the administrator here.

Last Updated: September 10, 2024