The Community Member Management dashboard allows administrators and Community moderator to select and take action on members by approving, banning, sending private messages, and more.
Path: Community Topbar >> Apps icon >> Member Management
By utilizing Member Management, community admin and community moderators can effortlessly locate and select members through the search bar and carry out a range of actions, including approving, banning, sending private messages, and many others. With the latest Member Management Panel, they can to modify multiple members simultaneously or take action against a single member, providing ultimate flexibility and efficiency.
The member management panel is comprised of 4 main tabs:
By default, the member list in Member Management is sorted by the registration date, displaying the latest registered members first. However, Community admins and moderators can sort the following columns:
1. Member: Member display names can be sorted in alphabetical order, either in ascending or descending format.
2. Email: The email addresses of members can be sorted, alphabetically, in either ascending or descending order. Note: The email addresses with uppercase alphabets will be sorted first followed by the lowercase alphabets.
3. Registration date: Member registration dates can be sorted in ascending or descending order, displaying the oldest or latest member first.
Search bar

The member management panel's search bar has a range of filters tailored to your community's needs. These filters make it quick and easy to find the specific members. The filters available depend on the settings of the community, including groups, member profile fields, and other listed filters.
Search also find members by entering email address, name, username, email, or registration date.
Help Article on Search commands on Member Management
Member Selection
Community admin or Community moderator can select single, multiple or all members.
- Single/multiple selection: Click on the checkbox beside the member name to select them.
- All member selection: To select all the members for taking bulk action, select 1 member and then click on the Select all the members that match this selection link visible besides the selected member count.
Action tab
The action tab has all the features and actions listed in a dropdown that you can process or take on any member of the community. All you need to do is simply select the members against whom you would like the action to be taken.
1. Approve Members: Select the members to approve by clicking on the check box next to the name and clicking on the action Approve Members. (Visible to Moderator if pending member selected)
2. Reject Members: Select the members to reject by clicking on the check box next to the name and clicking on the action Reject Members. (Visible to Moderator if pending member selected)
3. Add to Group: Add members to the group by selecting the members and using this action which will display the group names in the box. If Workspace admin tries to add the existing group members to a group, system will show an alert message.
4. Remove from Group: Remove members from the group by selecting the members and using this action which will display the group names in the box.
5. Change Status: Click on the member's name and change the status of the members to pending, approved, or banned.
6. Private Message: Send private messages to all the selected members of the community.
7. Add as Moderator: Assigning any member as a community or campaign moderator.
8. Add as Administrator: Assigning any member as a community or campaign administrator.
9. Remove as Moderator: Unassign the members that are assigned as moderators.
10. Remove as Administrator: Unassign the members that are assigned as administrators.
11. Leaderboard: Select the members whose leaderboard information needs to be turned ON / OFF.
12. Ban Members: Ban multiple members or single-member at a time with this dashboard. The community admin will have only a Ban option on community level unlike workspace.
13. Unban Members: Community admin can unban a member banned at the community level using this option.
14. Idea Sharing: The idea share feature can be banned or unbanned for selected members.
Member Details
Clicking on the member name will open up a side panel with member details.
Help Article on Member Details Side Panel
Quick Add tab
Use the quick add tab to add members to the community by keying in the email address one below the other. If Workspace level member approval is ON, the following message will appear: 'Some of the invited Members may not appear in the Member Management until approved by the Workspace Administrator.'
Members added via Community Member Management by the Community Admin will receive a Verification email as well as a Community invitation email.
Import Tab
The community administrator can bulk upload or import members, members' status, hide identity and roles with the help of an excel sheet to their community using the import tab.
Help articles on:
Import Log
The import log is where the Community Admin can find information about the internal processing that occurs during an import operation. The log includes information generated by the system:
- Import member: Import member's operation details information like time.
- Triggered By: The display name of who performed the import member operation.
- Total: Total import member count.
- Successful: Successfully imported member count.
- Already Member: Trying to import a member who already exists in the community, that existing member count.
- Invalid email: Invalid email address.
- Blocked Email Domain: Email count that are not imported due to blocked email domain
Note: Community moderators also have access to Member Management. But they can only Approve or Reject the pending members and sent private messages to members from member management.
Color Coding
The members are color-coded as per their member statuses.
Red/Maroon - The member status is pending and needs Community moderator approval.
Light/dark Green - The member has not approved the community invitation yet.
White/Grey - Approved and active members