
Accesses and Settings for Groups

Path: Community Settings >> Admins/Moderators/Groups >> Groups
Groups are useful for organising members according to various characteristics or roles within your community. They can be employed for assigning idea submission, commenting, and idea ownership privileges, or for group-based moderation. Additionally, participation data can be segmented by a group.

Setting up a Group
We have two sections for adding a group: 

  1. General Settings

  2. Assignment Method

  3. Assigning groups during Member Upload

  4. Unassign Members

General Settings

  1. Name: Suitable name for the group has to be created.

  2. Description: Describe the utility of the Role in the Description box.

  3. Allow Group to submit Ideas:  When the role is in use, depending on the selection, Yes or  No, the members assigned to this role would be permitted or restricted from submitting ideas.

  4. Allow Group to submit Comments:  When the role is in use, depending on the selection Yes or No the members assigned to this role would be permitted or restricted from submitting comments.

  5. Private: Enabling this switch will allow the particular group to be private that is it would be excluded from the leaderboard on the homepage

Assignment Method


There are various ways to assign members to a group. They can choose more than one assignment method.

The Administrators can assign the Groups in four ways:

A) Manual Assignment

In this method, members have to be added to the group manually i.e. search for the member and assign them to the group. This can be done in 3 ways.

1. Add members during group creation

When Manual Assignment is chosen when the admin tries to save the group they will be asked to add members right away or just save the group.


If Yes, Add Members is chosen, they will be navigated to the Manage Members page to add members.

2. Manage Members option

The manage members option can be used by the admin to add members after the group is created.


Clicking on the option takes the admin to the Manage Members page where they can add members by clicking on the Add Members button. A pop-up to add members will be displayed where they can search for members by display name, email address, or group. They can also search for all members who are not in a group and then assign them by selecting the member and clicking on the Assign button.


A banned member even though assigned to the Group will not appear in the search results of that Group

 B) Auto Assign By Member Profile Criteria

A member can be auto-assigned to a group based on their Member Profile Question response. 

This field allows the admin to auto-assign members to the respective groups as per the answers to the Member Profile Questions. The default Member Profile criteria are Member Profile Language. Admin can add new criteria (Member Profile questions created in Member Management) by clicking on Add New link, where they can choose the Member Profile Question and the Answer option. All the members who have opted for the selected answer option will be added to the group.

Admin can select multiple responses from member profile questions to assign a group.

For example, if there is a profile question titled 'Which Country are you from' where responses are Canada, Bangladesh, India, USA, South Africa, etc. Now, the admin wants to create a group from Asia consisting of the country Bangladesh and India then he will need to provide the range in the 'Response' field.

Range: x == "Bangladesh" OR x == "India"


If multiple criteria are set the members will be automatically assigned to the group depending upon the selection of "all the criteria" or "any of the criteria" which requires to be met.


  1. The auto-assignment of members by member profile criteria can be used only for Member Profile Question which is Single choice, Single Line Text, Large text/description, US Zipcode, URL/hyperlink, and Date(MM/dd/yyyy). This won't assign answers with Multiple choice and checkbox answers.

  2. Members will be automatically assigned to the group who have already answered the selected response of the added member profile questions. Otherwise, members will be added to that group when they will answer from the path: Profile >> Edit profile question. Insert the response and Click on Save changes.

Learn more about how to create Member Profile questions.

C) Auto Assign Group By Email Domain

This method allows assigning members based on their email domains like,, etc. Admin can either specify email domains to be auto-assigned or blocked from being assigned to the group.


Auto Assigned Email Domains: Auto-approve members of a certain domain by specifying the domains in the Auto-Approve List. Use commas to separate the domain names. Eg., OR can also use .com, .ca, .net,. org

Black Listed Email Domains: We can also ban a list of domains from auto-adding them to the groups by specifying them in the assignment method.

Blacklist domain will not work with an empty Auto-assign domain section.

D) Auto Assign By SSO

For SSO-enabled communities, Groups can be mapped directly to IdeaScale using their IdP or using the Member profile questions.

Group creation by SSO

E) Auto Assign all New Members

This method allows all new members who registered or were invited to the community to be assigned to the Group automatically.

A member can be a part of multiple groups. While he is automatically assigned to the group by Auto Assign all New Members option, he can also be assigned to other groups based on the matching criteria like member profile question, email domain or manual assignment.

Assigning Groups During Member Upload

It is possible to assign groups to members while bulk member upload from Member Management >> Import tab >> Members.


Bulk Import Members

Unassign Members

Member can be unassigned from the group. To do so, click on the Manage Members link to navigate to the Manage Members page. An Unassign link is available for each member.


Last Updated: April 17, 2024