Search command in Groups

Search commands for Groups at the Workspace level and Community-level


Search Commands in the Workspace-level & Community-level Groups section allows to find groups using simple commands from the dropdown. Each filter will have its corresponding values or details to be selected to search for the group meeting the search criteria.



Workspace-level search commands

There are two search commands for Groups at the Workspace-level.

Assignment Method

It allows to search groups based on the method of assigning members to the group. There are 5 assignment methods:

1. Manual: Members assigned manually by the Workspace admin.
2. SSO: Members automatically added to thee grouped based on SSO mapping.
3. Email Domain: Members assigned automatically based on the email domains added to be allowed or blocked access to the group.
4. Profile Questions: Assignment method based on the answer options of Profile questions with Field types - Single choice, URL/hyperlink, Date, Currency or Integer.
5. All New Members: Assignment methods with All new members checkbox checked.


This search command will list all the communities within the workspace. Select the community(s) to search groups associated with them.

Direct search

Groups can also be searched by entering part of the group name directly within the search box.

Community-level search commands

There are two search commands for Groups at the Workspace-level.

Assignment Method

Similar to the Workspace-level search command, this search command allows to search groups based on the method of assigning members to the group. This will show results for only the groups applicable for that particular community.


This search command will show the groups that are created on Workspace level or Community-level.

Direct search

Groups can also be searched by entering part of the group name directly within the search box.