Group creation

Details about Group creation

final kb warning

Group creation is possible on Workspace-level as well as Community-level. Groups created on Workspace can be used for multiple communities while those created within the community are limited to the community itself.

The process of Group creation is similar on Workspace and Community.

Click on the Create Group button to open up the pop-up to put in the details for creating a group.

Create Group

Assignment Method

Create Group

Following are the fields to be entered while creating a group:

1. Group Name:  A unique suitable name for the group.

2. Group Description: Describe the utility of the group in the Description box.

3. Group Permission: Group permission has 2 settings 

  • Allow Group to submit Ideas:  When the group is in use, depending on the selection, Yes or  No, the members assigned to this role would be permitted or restricted from submitting ideas.
  • Allow Group to submit Comments:  When the group is in use, depending on the selection Yes or No the members assigned to this role would be permitted or restricted from submitting comments.

Note: For Workspace groups Allow Group to submit Ideas and Allow Group to submit Comments are by default set to Inherit Global, Campaign and Stage Settings. These are non-selectable under it.

4. Group Visibility:
This setting has a checkbox for Hide this Group from Leaderboard. Enabling it will make the group private and exclude it from the leaderboards in communities where it is in use.

Click on the Next button to proceed to the Add Members section of group creation.

Assignment Method

There are 2 broader assignment methods using which members can be added to the group - Manual & Auto.

Manual assignment

Enabling the setting offers to assign members manually by 2 options - Import Member from Group and Add Member.

  • Import Member from Group - It allows the selection of group(s) from which all members will be added to the current group.

  • Add Member - It allows the selection of member(s) to be added to the current group.

Auto Assignment

Enabling the setting offers to assign members automatically based on 4 criteria - Email domain, Profile Criteria, All new members and All SSO members.

  1. Email Domain - Allows to assign members based on their email domains like,, etc. Admin can specify email domains to be auto-assigned and/or blocked from being assigned to the group.

  2. Profile Criteria - A member can be auto-assigned to a group based on their Member Profile Question response and Profile Language. Admin can choose to set single Profile language as Profile Criteria. 

    To set Member profile questions, click on Add Criteria. A pop-up will appear to select the Profile question and its response. 

    To add multiple responses to the same Profile question, click on the + sign.

    Admin can set multiple Profile criteria for the same group using Add Criteria button.

    Criteria Type - They can also choose to assign members based on all these criteria or any one of the criteria using the Criteria type checkboxes.

    Delete Criteria - The trashcan icon under Action allows to delete the criteria. 

  3. All New Members - Allows to assign all new members coming into the workspace after enabling this setting into the group.
  4. All SSO Members - Allows to create SSO groups with Member profile questions mapped via SSO. Know more about SSO-mapped groups here.

Help article on Workspace Groups

Help Article on Search Command in Groups