Activity Bell

Activity bell sections in detail.

The notifications are visible under Activity bell icon at the top right side of the community next to the Profile. It consists of the following tabs:

1. Notifications

2. Messages

3. Alerts


In-app notifications are messages that are sent to engage members of the community. These notifications will be visible in a Bell icon at the top right side of the community next to the Profile. A blue dot next to the notifications will indicate that they are new since the last time the member opened the Activity bell.

Help article on In-app Notification.


Message section shows all the unread messages and a button for navigating to all messages and composing new ones. Help article on Messages.


It shows all the actionable items waiting for member's action like draft ideas, community member profile questions to be completed and ideas awaiting stage actions. 

Clicking on the View All link will navigate to the Profile page's My ideas section.

Help article on My ideas

Last Updated: March 6, 2025