Workspace New User Guide

My Ideas Tab

Details about the tabs under My ideas tab

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Path: Profile page >> My Ideas Tab

A member can click on their profile icon to see My Ideas tab under the Profile page. A Profile page is common for a workspace and has a community filter to see any community-specific ideas or notifications.

My ideas tab displays two filters one is the Recent/Trending sorting and the other is as shown.

Submitted: All ideas submitted by a member will be displayed under this sub-tab.

Owned Ideas: Ideas for which the member is assigned as an idea owner will be visible in this one.

Joined Ideas : If a member is assigned as a team member for any idea, it will be shown in this sub-tab.

Following: If the member is following certain ideas, they are visible under this sub-tab.

Action Items: Any ideas which require the member's action like ideas in the review stage, contributions in the fund stage, etc. would show in this sub-tab.

Drafts: This contains all the ideas that have been saved as drafts by the member.

Private Ideas: Ideas that are privately submitted will be displayed under this sub-tab visible only to administrators, moderators, and selected authorized group members.

Help article on Private Ideas

Note: Private ideas submitted as an unauthorised user will not be included in My ideas tab.

Last Updated: October 8, 2024