Workspace Look & Feel

Overview of Workspace level Look & Feel sections

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Path: Manage Workspace >> Customization >> Look & Feel

This section enables Workspace admins and owners to customize the workspace appearance by adjusting various settings to their preferences.

Workspace Colors

Workspace Colors

Workspace colors play a crucial role in enhancing the appearance of all the community landing pages uniformly at a time. It can be used to customize landing pages to align with their company's branding colors.

  1. Highlight: This is the primary color for the workspace and should stand out against white since it is used to draw attention to particular community actions.
  2. Accent 1: This is the secondary color and should contrast effectively with white and be less vibrant than the highlight.
  3. Accent 2 : This color should be a slightly lighter variation of the first accent color that contrasts well with white.

Help article on Community Colors

Note: A community administrator will have the option to override the colors set at Workspace level for individual communities from community's Look & Feel section.


A company logo can be set for the Workspace. It is recommended to use a transparent PNG with no white background. 

The recommended dimensions of logo image files should be set to 96px x 96px or 192px x 192px. The maximum image size allowed for the logo is 300px x 300px. Your image will be resized to fit if it is bigger than the maximum size allowed.

Upload the image or drag-drop the image and adjust the size using resizer. Help article on Image resizer.

Hide the logo's frame: Workspace admin can choose to turn ON this toggle which allows the logo to change shape (for example if a abstract image is chosen, the logo will appear in that shape only) without showing any square border.

Workspace Home page logo redirect link: This option enables the workspace logo to be hyperlinked with any URL. Clicking the logo will navigate members to the linked page. By default, it is linked to the Workspace Homepage.

Note: The Workspace logo will appear on the Workspace topbar as well as the login and registration page.

Custom Favicon

The favicon is the small image on the tab of the browser when a member visits a community page.  Workspace admin can customize it according to preference using this feature. This will be default across all the communities within the workspace.

Help article on Custom Favicon

Last Updated: September 13, 2024