Manage Workspace

Workspace Logo

Setting and customising the Workspace Logo

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Path: Manage Workspace >> Customization >> Look & Feel >> Logo 
Workspace admin can upload their company logo to an IdeaScale Workspace and communities. The image indicated with red arrow below denotes where logo will be situated.

It is a persistent logo across all Workspace pages and communities that redirects users to the Workspace homepage by default.

Logo Settings

To upload new logo, click on the Browse File option to upload the file or simply drag drop the image and adjust the size using resizer. Help article on Image resizer

The recommended dimensions of logo image files should be set to 96px x 96px or 192px x 192px. The maximum image size allowed for the logo is 300px x 300px. The image will be resized to fit if it is bigger than the maximum size allowed.

It is recommended to use a transparent PNG with no white background. A dark background image can be used.

Workspace Home page logo redirect link: This option enables the workspace logo to be hyperlinked with any URL. Clicking the logo will navigate members to the linked page. By default, it is linked to the Workspace Homepage.


Note: The Workspace logo will appear on the Workspace topbar as well as the login and registration page.


Last Updated: October 8, 2024