Profile - Settings section

Details on Settings section of the Profile page

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Path: Profile >> Settings

under the Profile page allow to modify account settings on the Workspace level.

The various sections under Settings are as follows:

Profile Information
Email Services and Devices
Your Communities
Notification Settings
API Tokens
Export Profile Data

Profile Information

Profile Information contains basic details about the member, such as the First name, Last Name, Username, Profile picture/avatar, Language, Timezone, and Date Format that can be changed by the member at anytime.

This information is common for all the communities within the workspace.

While members with email login can edit the changes on this page, members with SSO or Social login will have to click on the Show Profile Sources button to make changes to the profile. 

Note: Ability to update the Profile information will depend on the authentication method (SSO/Email/Social login) and permissions (username setup, upload avatar) enabled by the Workspace Admin.

Show Profile Sources

This button is visible if the member who has authenticated via multiple authentication methods such as SSO, Email and Social logins.

Help Article on Profile Sources


This section allows to manage password and 2-step authentication.

Change Password

Member can change their password from this section. The frequency of password change will depend on the limit set by the Workspace admin.

2 Step Authentication

It allows to add an extra layer of verification to the login process. The 2 step authentication applies only to the IdeaScale Email and Password authentication pathway. 

Help article on 2 step authentication

Email, Services and Devices

This section contains all the email addresses associated with the account along with connected services.


The email address associated with the account is mentioned here with the information on whether it is a primary one, verified or not and a way to remove it. The member can add additional new email addresses to their account using Add Email Address button and select the one to be made primary.

Help Articel on How to change primary email address

If the email address being added already exists in the workspace, the member can claim it as their own with the claim process.

Help Article on How to claim an email address

Connected Services

It shows the social media logins done by the member using that email address. In above example the member has logged in using Social login - Google account on the Login page.

Your Communities

It shows the list of communities a member is part of, invited to, declined or waiting for moderator approval.

Community Memberships

It shows the number of communities the member can participate in. The More (3 dots) icon has options:

  • View Community: Navigate to the community page.
  • Hide Identity/Show Identity: Member can opt to hide their identity in the community and become anonymous with the Hide Identity option. If the identity is already hidden, this option will show as 'Show Identity' using which members can unhide themselves.
  • Leave Community: Members can leave a community at any point in time.

Note: Under More (3 dot) icon, the community admin will see Community settings while the Moderator will see Incoming Moderation.

Declined Invitations

It shows the communities for which the member has declined the invitation. The member can become a part of it, in case they change their mind, by clicking on the 'Join Community' button. 

Awaiting Approval

The communities that the member joins but are waiting for a moderator to approve the access, if member approval is enabled, will show here.

Notification Settings

All the emails received by the member can be managed under this section for all the community memberships together by managing notification settings under the Workspace section or on an individual community basis by clicking on the Bell icon beside the community name.

Help Article on Notification Settings

API Tokens

The API Tokens are used for obtaining data from the community for use in mashups and other consumable formats. Members can generate API tokens if it is enabled by the community admin.

Help Article on REST API

Export Profile Data

A member can export their own data like Name, Email, Username, Language, Timezone, Ideas, Comments, Votes, Stage response, and Audit Logs in JSON format.

Help Article on Export Profile Data


Last Updated: September 26, 2024