Translation of workspace and community headings, descriptions & member profile questions
Path: Workspace Landing page >> Top bar >> Grid icon >> Translation Moderation
Path: Community Landing page >> Top bar >> Grid icon >> Translation Moderation
A Translation Moderation option will be available to the Workspace translation moderator and the Community Translation Moderator under the Grid icon with the option Translation dashboard.
Workspace level
The workspace section includes Heading and Descriptions and Custom field questions while the community translation dashboard will include the above two along with Ideas and Comments and Stages Content.
Community Level
1. Ideas & Comments: This allows the moderator to review and translate the ideas and comments in the specific language that the community supports.
2. Headings & Descriptions: This allows translating Workspace name, campaign, campaign group, custom page, idea inactivity content, custom widget and community widget.
3. Custom Field Questions: This contains the translation for idea custom fields, member profile questions and their answer options and stage custom fields.
4. Stages Content: This allows translating the specific stage contents in the desired language with the right translations.
To help translation moderators narrow down their required content quickly, each section can select source language, target language (in which content is translated), type of content, and a keyword search field.
Reviewing content
The Review button will open a new pop-up where the translator can make the necessary changes to the translation or verify it.
Update/translate the content and click the Confirm/Verify button to save the changes.
Note: This Translation dashboard is only for Workspace-related content. Translation dashboard for ideas and comments will be available on community level.
Who can see it:
This section is available only to the Translation Moderators.