App for Slack Connector

Installing Slack With Ideascale

Path: Community Settings >> Integration >> App Directory >> Slack

IdeaScale has an integration with the popular collaborative workspace, Slack. We think there’s a ton of golden ideas being discussed right now in your channels - now you can simply select the text of an idea Slack and add an idea to your community. Members can now submit ideas directly through their Slack workspace. Moderators can approve or deny new member and idea requests. Members can view the latest and hottest ideas and subscribe to daily idea updates. 

Slack will be automatically installed when the user set up their community via slack.

You will need to set up Slack by registering and following the below instructions.

  1. Click on the Install button to Install Slack in your community  and generate the Client Id and Client Secret key.

 2. In order to remove the App you can click on the gear icon in the Manage App and click on Remove option.


  1. Only after the administrator has installed the App for Slack in the community. The members can log in via slack and take part in the community.
  2. To Remove App: In order to successfully uninstall, first, delete the setup on App for Slack by using the command "/ideascale setup delete CommunityAlias" and then the administrator should remove it from IdeaScale community "App Directory".

You can refer to the link to set up IdeaScale app for Slack in your community.

Last Updated: April 1, 2024