Data Analysis

Detailed help article on IdeaScale AI Data Analysis

The Data Analysis section in IdeaScale AI analyzes idea data from campaigns within a community over a specified date range and presents this information in four distinct graphic formats.

To generate analytics data, admin or moderator needs to define the following parameters:

1. Community:
Select the community from the dropdown for the logged-in Workspace.

2. Campaign: Select 1 or more campaigns from the dropdown for the community.

3. Data Range: Admin or moderator can choose between last 30 days, last 90 days, this quarter, year to date, last 12 months or a custom date range.

Note: The communities, campaigns and ideas available to the admin/moderator will be depend on their access level within the Workspace and Community.

Reset option will clear the selected parameters.

Once the details are filled in, the Analyze Data button will be activated. Clicking on it will start the data analysis process. A queued job will be visible in the log. Once it is completed. admin/moderator can click on the job name to see the analytics.

All the generated data analysis till date will be housed under the log table.

Note: The log is exclusive to the user only and not visible to the other admin/moderators.

Data Analysis

The Data Analysis section features four distinct charts, each offering valuable insights. Lets Explore them in detail!

Idea Word Cloud
High Impact High Feasibility Ideas
Innovation Program Health Check
Community Sentiment Insights

Idea Word Cloud 

The Word Cloud serves as a visual representation of idea texts, emphasizing terms according to their corresponding net vote scores. Words associated with ideas that have received higher net vote scores will be displayed in a larger font size, thereby highlighting their significance.

Hovering over each word will reveal its corresponding score while clicking on it will present the ideas associated with that term. The system will navigate to the idea details page upon clicking on the idea titles.

The download icon on the right will export an Excel file with the following details:

1. Word Theme - The terms represented in the word cloud.
2. Score - The net vote score corresponding to the ideas associated with the word.
3. Idea URL - The Idea URL corresponding to each idea associated with the word. The number of URL columns will vary based on the number of ideas linked to the word and will be designated as Idea URL #1, Idea URL #2, Idea URL #3, and so forth.
4. Community Parameter - Includes the name of the community for which the analytics have been generated.
5. Campaign Parameter - Includes a comprehensive list of all campaigns for which the analytics have been generated.
6. Date Range Parameter - Includes the date range utilized for generating the analytics.

High Impact High Feasibility Ideas

It generates a scatterplot matrix that effectively categorizes ideas and place them based on their potential impact on the organization and their feasibility for implementation. The ideas are represented on a 2x2 matrix, with the X-axis denoting the Feasibility Score and the Y-axis indicating the Impact Score. Each score is determined on a scale ranging from 1 to 10.

The plot is further divided into 4 parts:

  1. The top right quadrant contains ideas with High feasibility and High impact.
  2. The top left quadrant contains ideas with Low feasibility and High impact.
  3. The bottom right quadrant contains ideas with High feasibility and Low impact.
  4. The bottom left quadrant contains ideas with Low feasibility and Low impact

Hovering on each dot will show the scores and ideas associated with it.

The download icon on the right will export an Excel file with the following details:

1. Idea Title - The title of each idea referenced in the report.
2. Feasibility Score - Feasibility of the idea for implementation on a scale of 1 to 10.
3. Impact Score - Impact score of the idea on a scale of 1 to 10.
4. Idea URL - The Idea URL of the idea.
5. Community Parameter - Includes the name of the community for which the analytics have been generated.
6. Campaign Parameter - Includes a comprehensive list of all campaigns for which the analytics have been generated.
7. Date Range Parameter - Includes the date range utilized for generating the analytics.

Innovation Program Health Check

It is a radial chart that assesses and visualizes the diversity of ideas on a scale of 10, utilizing six key metrics where 10 is extremely diverse and 1 is non-diverse. 

This is a non-interactive chart, as each metric provides an assessment of the overall quality across all ideas rather than focusing on specific ideas or subsets.

The six key metrics utilized to evaluate the strength of ideas are:

a. Originality - Evaluate the uniqueness and novelty of the ideas in relation to others.
b. Variety - Assesses the range of different concepts or themes represented.
c. Depth - Evaluate the complexity and thoroughness of the ideas.
d. Feasibility - Assesses the practicality and feasibility of implementing each idea.
e. Impact - Assesses the potential impact and significance of the ideas if implemented.
f. Inclusivity - Evaluates the extent to which diverse groups or perspectives are represented.

The download icon on the right will export an Excel file with the following details:

1. Health Matrix - Lists each idea strength dimension.
2. Score -
Includes the score of each dimension on a scale of 1 to 10.
3. Community Parameter - Includes the name of the community for which the analytics have been generated.
4. Campaign Parameter - Includes a comprehensive list of all campaigns for which the analytics have been generated.
5. Date Range Parameter - Includes the date range utilized for generating the analytics.

Community Sentiment Insights

The Community Sentiment Insights feature presents a horizontal bar chart that visually represents the themes with the strongest support. Each idea within a theme is evaluated on a sentiment scale from 1 to 10, reflecting its positive, negative, or neutral strength. The overall sentiment intensity for each theme is derived from the aggregated sentiment scores.

Sentiment Scores: Each idea is evaluated on a scale of 1 to 10 across the ten established themes, determining the extent to which the idea aligns with or opposes the theme. A score of 1 indicates a strong opposition to the theme, whereas a score of 10 reflects full alignment with it. The score of each idea is then aggregated to derive the Sentiment score. 

The X-axis of the graph represents the sentiment score, measured on a scale of 1 to 10, while the Y-axis displays the corresponding themes.

Hovering over each bar will reveal three ideas that support the theme, as well as three ideas that oppose it. Admin/moderator can click on these idea titles to navigate to the idea details page.

The download icon on the right will export an Excel file with the following details:

1. Theme - Lists each idea strength dimension.
2. Sentiment Score -
Includes the score of each theme on a scale of 1 to 10.
3. Supporting Idea URL - Includes the URLs of the ideas that support the theme, with three separate columns provided for each supporting idea URL.
4. Opposing Idea URL - Includes the URL of the ideas that oppose the theme, with three separate columns provided for each opposing idea URL.
5. Community Parameter - Includes the name of the community for which the analytics have been generated.
6. Campaign Parameter - Includes a comprehensive list of all campaigns for which the analytics have been generated.
7. Date Range Parameter - Includes the date range utilized for generating the analytics.

IdeaScale AI offers another analytics option called Comparative analysis.

Help article on Comparative Analysis