Comparative Analysis

Detailed help article on IdeaScale AI Comparative Analysis

The Comparative Analysis section enables admin/moderative to compare selected ideas against other ideas within the same campaign, highlighting the unique themes that set the chosen ideas apart. Let us explore these analytics in detail!

To generate analytics data, admin or moderator needs to define the following parameters:

1. Community:
Select the community from the dropdown for the logged-in Workspace.

2. Campaign: Select 1 or more campaigns from the dropdown for the community.

3. Data Range: Admin or moderator can choose between last 30 days, last 90 days, this quarter, year to date, last 12 months or a custom date range.

4. Select 2-5 ideas: Once the above parameters are defined, this open will become available. Select 2 to 5 ideas from the dropdown to compare against the rest of the ideas. Search option is also available to look for the relevant ideas.

Note: The communities, campaigns and ideas available to the admin/moderator will be depend on their access level within the Workspace and Community.

Reset option will clear the selected parameters.

Once the details are filled in, the Analyze Data button will be activated. Clicking on it will start the data analysis process. A queued job will be visible in the log. Once it is completed. admin/moderator can click on the job name to see the analytics.

All the generated comparative analytics till date will be housed under the log table.

Note: The log is exclusive to the user only and not visible to the other admin/moderators.

Upon clicking the job name, detailed analytics will be displayed, which will outline the distinguishing themes that highlight the significance and uniqueness of the selected ideas.

The Export icon on the right will export an Excel file with the following details:

1. Theme - Contains the Themes that make the selected ideas unique.
2. Description - Includes the description of each theme.
3. Community Parameter - Includes the name of the community for which the analytics have been generated.
4. Campaign Parameter - Includes a comprehensive list of all campaigns for which the analytics have been generated.
5. Date Range Parameter - Includes the date range utilized for generating the analytics.

IdeaScale AI offers another analytics option called Data analysis.

Help article on Data Analysis