Best Practices for Using Tagging

Compilations of all Community tags related settings

This document is intended to guide community moderators in the use of Community (General) Tags. 

The following list of tagging features are discussed: 

  1. Use of Predefined tags

  2. Modifying and Merging Tags

  3. Bulk Application of Tags

  4. Tag Suggestions

  5. Discovering and Following Tags

This document does not discuss Moderator tags.  Moderator tags are primarily used for private communication about ideas between Moderators and Reviewers. Because they are private, they are not suitable for crowdsourced tagging like Community Tags are. 

Use of Predefined Tags

Predefined tags allow you to seed your community with tags you’d like to see used - they show as an auto-completion as Contributors type in their tag.  This feature also allows you to create standardized terms that are compliant with some business processes, products, or services.  In addition to creating a predefined list of tags, you may consider tagging a few ideas with your initial tag set to prime the system. The more you tag ideas, the better the tag suggestions become. 

For more details on Predefined tags see the help article.

Modifying and Merging Tags

The maintenance of tags is an important moderator function. With tags open for creation by all users, it is common for synonyms and misspellings to be added.  These can be cleaned up with the “Merge Tags” feature in Customization -> Tag Settings. 

We highly recommend reviewing tags and merging as needed!

For more details on Modifying and Merging tags see the help article.

Bulk Application of Tags

The best way to apply a tag to a collection of ideas is with the Idea Portfolio.  First, perform a search and review the result list. Use menu operation Tag and type in the tag that you want to be applied to all search results. 

For more details on Bulk application of tags see the help article.

Tag Suggestions

Tag suggestions encourage more tagging by providing relevant tags based on idea descriptions and previously tagged ideas.  When ideas are composed or edited, an idea similarity search is performed to identify previously used tags that are most relevant to the idea.  The more a tag is used in a community, the better the suggestions will be for that tag.  Moderators may wish to seed the process by tagging a few ideas and then checking if the suggestion for that tag improves during idea composition.  For example, a tag may not be suggested until it has been used on several of the most relevant ideas first. 

For more details on Tag suggestions see the help article.

Discovering and Following Tags

In addition to showing tags on every idea when displayed, users can browse all tags in the Tags tab, select one to view all ideas with that tag and follow tags to get a notification when a new idea has been tagged with it. 

For more details on Following tags see the help article.

Last Updated: August 11, 2023