Workspace Member Management - Side Panel

Member details side panel in Workspace Member management


Path: Workspace landing page >> Grid icon >> Member Management >>Side panel

Clicking on the member name will open up a side panel with member details.

The following member details are available on the side panel:

1. Profile details: Member avatar image, Display name and Username are visible at the top.

2. Private Message: Workspace admin can send a Private Message (PM) to the member using this button. It will open up a message composer window.

3. View Profile: View Profile button navigates to the Member profile page.

4. Member stats: This shows the Total ideas posted, Total comments, Total votes and Total Kudos given by the member across all communities within the Workspace.

5. SSO ID: If SSO login is setup within the Workspace and used by the member, it will appear here. The workspace with multiple SSO options with the user having access to both, will show the ID of last logged in with (This option will not appear if member is not part of SSO login.)

6. Additional Email: If a member has additional email addresses associated with their profile, it will appear here. (This option will not appear if a member doesn't have any additional emails.)

7. Last Login: It shows the member's last logged-in date and time.

8. Current Status: This denotes if the member status is Pending for approval, Banned or Member (Active member). Workspace admin can change the member status here from the dropdown.

9. Roles: All the roles assigned to the member on Workspace level will be listed here - Workspace owner, Workspace admin, Workspace translation moderator and Member. Community-level roles will not appear here.

10. Accessible communities: The communities where the member has access are mentioned here.

The labels beside the community name indicate the member's membership status for the community. Different memberships are as follows:

  • Pending - Member is waiting for moderator approval.
  • Invited - Member has not accepted community invitation.
  • Member - Member is a participant in the community.
  • Self Removed - Member has left a community they were part of.

11. Groups: This lists all the workspace groups a member is part of.

12. Email status: Member email status shows if a member is verified or not. There are 4 email statuses as below:

  • Unknown - It indicates that the member has not been verified, and no verification email has been sent to them. (During a silent upload, no verification email is sent from the community)
  • Sent - It indicates that the member is not verified, but a verification email has been sent from the community to that member.
  • Verified - It indicates that the member is verified. A verification email was sent, and the members used it to verify themselves.
  • Assumed - It indicates that the member is verified from the backend by the support team or trusted domain (for SSO Community)

13. Opt-in: This shows whether a member has opted to be part of the workspace or not. There are 3 opt-in statuses:

  • In - This indicates the member is verified and accepted the invite.
  • Out - This indicates the member is verified by not accepted the invite.
  • Default - This indicates that a verification email has been sent out but the member is yet to verify.

14. Source: The source via which a member entered the Workspace is mentioned here. It may be via Web, Admin upload, SSO or Social Login.

15. Member Profile Questions: All the Member profile question answered by the member are listed here along with he last updated date.