Details on export audit log on the Workspace level
Path: Workspace Homepage >> Apps Icon >> Reporting >> Export data >> Export Audit Logs
The Export Audit Log provides detailed records of all activities conducted within the Workspace. This report enables Workspace administrators to confirm successful logins, monitor member access, and track the frequency of logins by members. The export will encompass essential information such as timestamps, usernames, and event types. Workspace administrators have the option to select from a dropdown menu to either export all audit log types or specify particular audit log types to suit their needs.
Select Audit Type: The workspace admin can select from the two dropdown that is available that is All Audit Log Types or Choose from Audit Log Types. Selecting the required audit log and exporting will allow easy access to only those logs needed by the workspace admin to audit.
Output Format: Member authentication data can be exported in Excel or CSV format.
Date Filters: Expand the date filter section and add in a Start and End date to receive data from specific period. Collapsed empty date filter will export the data since inception.
Select your Timezone: Choose a timezone to have all data appear in the selected timezone.
Upon clicking the Export data button, the export will process and become available for download.
The Sheet includes the following columns:
- Date and Time: The date and time when the event occurred.
- IP Address: The IP address of the person who made the changes or updates.
- Url: The workspace URL where the changes or update is done.
- User: The name of the user who did the changes or update.
- Action Source: The source where it was changed or updated.
- Audit Type: The specific feature that was changed or updated.
- Object Class: This is the name of the class in the IdeaScale project that corresponds to a user action. For example, if a user changes a funnel name, in the IdeaScale project it will trigger the class called FunnelData and it will be logged in this column.
- Object Name: This is the name of a component in the IdeaScale application on which the user performed an action. For example, if a user changes the name of the funnel called Customer Experience, the value Customer Experience will be logged in this column.
- Old Value: This is the old value before a user performs an action on a component in the IdeaScale application. For example, if a user changes a funnel name from Customer Experience to Customer Success, the value Customer Experience will be logged in this column.
- New value: This is the new value after a user performs an action on a component in the IdeaScale application. For example, if a user changes a funnel name from Customer Experience to Customer Success, the value Customer Success will be logged in this column.
- Delta: The value of this column refers to the difference between the old value and new value for a user action performed in the IdeaScale application. For example, a user’s last successful login time will change every time they successfully log into the IdeaScale application. The value of this column will show the difference between the last two successful login times.
- Trace Id: The value of this column is a unique string generated by the system that helps in searching for any particular log.
- Session Id: The value of this column refers to the browser session ID of the user when they perform an action in the IdeaScale application.