Idea display and its options in List, Grid and Compact view
IdeaScale offers ideas to be displayed in three different views.
This feature allows members to display ideas in various different viewpoints. Members can toggle between List, Grid, and Compact views (see toggle top right). Additionally, Community Administrators can make either List, Grid or Compact as the default view for their communities (though a member’s individual preference will trump). This view works in any Campaign, Stage or Filtered (Recent, Popular, Hot, etc.) sort.
An idea's title will turn purple once you have read it (visited the idea details page). Unread ideas will remain blue.
Compact View
Compact view will display lesser details about the ideas to display more ideas in the homepage. This view will display the Campaign name, Idea title and the Idea Submitter's name along with the stage CTA block on the left side of the idea details. as displayed in the screenshot below.
The compact view will display the Comment, Share and More icon on the right side. The more icon will display the actions you would like to take on the idea.

Grid View
Grid view displays a little more information than the compact view like the idea description along with the stage CTA block.
Here is what a few of the icons stand for in grid view. Hovering the mouse over the icons shows its name.
The icon with a message box is for Comments.
- The Share icon will be seen next to the comment button.
Star icon to follow the ideas, when you are following an idea the star will be blue and to unfollow simply click on the star icon and it will turn grey symbolizing that you have unsubscribed/unfollowed that idea.
Follow author option allows you to follow the idea submitter by clicking on the icon.
The three dotted lines represent for further actions as follows:
The actions displayed in these dotted lines will depend upon the settings enabled by the administrator of the community.
List View
List View is the most expanded form of display in which shows most of the information submitted in an idea.
The List view will also display the three doted icons for more actions just like in Grid view.
The More Icon will now display the options like Follow Idea, Follow Author, Print Idea to the members and Ban Member and Delete Idea to a community administrator and moderator.