Twitter Connector

How To Connect Your Twitter App To Ideascale


Path: Community Topbar >> Apps icon >>Community Settings >> Integration >> App Directory >> Twitter
IdeaScale allows posting Twitter messages when an Idea meets a "Threshold". When an idea gets commented upon or voted up "x" times, the system automatically posts a Twitter message with a link to the idea.

Screenshot 2025-02-25 at 3.14.20 PM

You can either create a separate Twitter account for your IdeaScale community or use your existing Twitter account. Either way, you can then link your IdeaScale community to a Twitter account -- all new ideas (that have the threshold votes or comments) will automatically be posted as a Twitter feed.

You will be able to set up the Twitter app with the following details after you have authorized IdeaScale Account to your Twitter account.

  1. Authorize IdeaScale to Connect to Your Twitter Account: As soon as the Administrator sets the switch to ON, a screen requesting to authorize IdeaScale App on Twitter appears.

Screenshot 2025-02-25 at 3.14.54 PM

Upon successful authorization of the app, the Administrator will see a confirmation message stating "Connected to <Administrator's email address>" located just below the "Authorize IdeaScale to Connect to Your Twitter Account" prompt. Additionally, once the app installation is complete, the Administrator will receive a notification confirming "Application has been successfully installed," along with an option to uninstall the app if needed.

Screenshot 2025-02-25 at 3.19.20 PM

Settings Page for Twitter App

Screenshot 2025-02-25 at 3.21.33 PM

1) Test Tweet: Once the Twitter integration is installed, you have the option to submit a test tweet to verify that everything is functioning correctly and meets the necessary specifications.
2) Threshold Votes:
Specify the threshold votes. Once the idea reaches the threshold votes, it is posted to the Twitter feed

3) Threshold Comments: Specify the threshold comments. Once the idea has a specified number of comments, it is posted to the Twitter feed.
4) Hashtag#: By default, the Community name is the Hashtag. However, the Administrator may choose to replace it with another one.
5) Show "[email protected](Twitter username)" in tweets: ON indicates that the Administrator has chosen to display the user's identity on the ideas which appear in the Twitter Feed.
6) Tweet ALL Ideas (Including those only accessible to certain users): Enabling this would allow you to tweet all ideas which would also include the ideas in a private campaign.

Below is the screenshot of how the idea will be displayed on the Twitter feed.

Screenshot 2025-02-25 at 3.12.00 PM

The Twitter integration can be disconnected by simply setting the Authorize IdeaScale to Connect to Your Twitter Account setting to OFF and then Saving the Changes.

Last Updated: February 25, 2025