Workspace Security

SSO Debugger

How to setup SSO debugger

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Manage Workspace >> Security >> SSO Debugging 

The SSO Debugger enables troubleshooting SSO related issues. 

When enabled, it contains logs of recently failed SSO attempts and few tools to work with Multipass Token Generation and Decoding. We recommend ALWAYS having it enabled.

Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 12.14.35 PM

SSO Success/Failure Log
SSO Debugger shows logs of recently successful as well as failed SSO attempts. This page can be accessed from Manage Workspace >> Single Signon Settings >> SSO Debugger.

**This setting appear only after an SSO Type is selected.


To see the logs simply select the log type you wish to see i.e. Success or Failure, set start/end date you wish to view the log from and click Search button.

Logs more than 30 days cannot be viewed.

Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 12.14.02 PM

Multipass Token Utils
SSO Debugger has Multipass token generator and decoder for Multipass enabled communities. You can generate a Multipass Token and decode a token generated by your system here to verify that it would work with IdeaScale. Additionally, you can also see the log for successful or failed login attempts from the past 30 days max.


Last Updated: October 8, 2024