Path: Community Topbar >> Apps icon >> Community Settings >> Workflow >> Automation Builder >> Duplicate Notification
The Report Duplicate option helps to identify and report duplication of any specific ideas in the community. Only the admin and standard users in the community can flag ideas as Duplicates.
How to mark ideas as Report Duplicate
Setting up Report Duplicate Notification:
The administrator of the community can set up the Duplicate notification by the following requirements:
1. Under Automation Builder, click on the Duplicate Notification >> Edit
2. Select the Condition 'Idea'
3. Enter the number of times the idea has to be marked as ‘Duplicate’ for reaching the Duplicate threshold
4. After reaching on the threshold value, an idea would follow the behavior which has been set in the 'Action'
5. Actions can be triggered for:
Mark Duplicate
Change Status
Notify Members: All members or Members assigned to specific groups.
6. Click on Enabled.
Report Duplicate notification can be set up by following few actions.
1. Mark Duplicate
2. Change Status
3. Notify Member
Mark Duplicate:
If the action set as Mark Duplicate

After reaching on the threshold value, the idea would be moved into the incoming moderation dashboard for moderator approval. The idea will be marked as 'Duplicate' after approval by the moderator.

Change Status:
If the action set as Change Status

After reaching on the threshold value, the idea stage will be changed which has been selected in the action.
Notify Member
If the action set as Notify Member

After reaching on the threshold value, group of people will be notified that idea has been met the 'Duplicate Notifications' rule.

For 'Notify Member' action idea will be only marked as 'Reported'. Idea would not move into pending approval stage for moderator approval
Mark Idea as Report Duplicate:
1. Click on the Report Abuse label on the idea.
2. In Grid View and List View the Report Abuse label will be displayed in the three dots button which is meant for more actions.
Grid View:
List View:
3. As soon as someone reports an idea and the threshold is met the idea will move into Pending Approval stage with the message-"You have reported this idea as being a duplicate. It will be removed when enough people flag it."
4. The idea submitter will receive email notification of 'Idea Flagged' as shown in the below screenshot.
5. After clicking the Click link, it redirects the idea submitter to the idea details page and sees it’s in the pending approval stage for awaiting moderator approval.
- Only administrators and standard users have access to the "Report Duplicate" label in ideas.
- If you are a moderator, admin & moderator, you will also not see the label as an option.
- Admin can not report duplicate to another admin's ideas. A normal member can report duplicate, an idea of another member.
- Any idea which gets submitted is live and is in Ideate Stage will show 'Report Duplicate' label, however, any idea moved from the Pending Approval stage by a moderator or any idea moved from any different stage to Ideate stage will not show this label.
- The idea submitter, idea owner and the moderators will receive an email notification when an idea is marked as duplicate.
How to manage Duplicate and Abuse Idea