Product Updates 11/18/24

We’re happy to share another round of updates! Below is a brief overview of each new feature that has been released.


Edits to Admin and Moderator Nomenclature 

With the recent transition to our new Workspace architecture, we will be updating the Administrator and Moderator naming conventions to be more aligned with the current product hierarchy. Everywhere in the product, Global Admins and Global Moderators will now be referred to as Community Admins and Community Moderators. This change will have no impact on the functionality of any Admin and Moderator roles within IdeaScale, but is simply a title change to better reflect the community-specific roles and improve user clarity.
Eg. In the Member Management section, the term Global has been replaced with Community

New "Unban" option

We’ve added a new "Unban Member(s)" option under the Ban Member(s) menu at both the Workspace and Community level. This feature now enables admins to bulk unban multiple members, whereas previously, only one member could be unbanned at a time.

Fund Stage Export  Enhancements

This export provides detailed information about users who have submitted funds or tokens during the funding stage. It includes user details, submission timestamps, the amount of funds or tokens contributed, and the remaining balance of funds each member has.

Campaign Sponsor Limit Removed: Now Supporting Multiple Sponsors

We’ve updated campaign settings to allow more than two sponsors per campaign. This enhancement enables greater flexibility for campaigns, allowing multiple organizations or individuals to support a single campaign. By accommodating more sponsors, campaigns can leverage a wider network of support, increasing their chances of success and creating more opportunities for cross-promotion and engagement.