How to use IdeaScale!
Participation FAQ's How to use IdeaScale!
How can I join a Workspace?
How can I join a community?
How can I submit an idea?
How can I leave an idea I am co-author/co-submitter of?
How can I vote on an idea?
How can I comment on an idea?
How can I see my activity within the community?
How can I join a Workspace?
A user can join a workspace by creating an account through registration page. To register, click on the Register link on the login page.
This will take the user to the registration page. The member can also login using the supported social logins available on login page instead of registering.
Upon completing the registration process, member will get the thank you message with a verification email set to the inbox. In case there is member approval enabled, the verification email will be received after the account is approved by the Workspace administrator.
Verify the email address by clicking on the link within the verification email sent to the inbox.
This will complete the verification process and members will be taken to the Login page. Login using the email address and password set up. Once logged in complete the profile.
Note: On all the instances above, if there is a moderator approval required enabled on the community, after the creation of the account the member will get a message "A Moderator has been notified to approve your account". Once the moderator has approved the account, you will be able to participate.
How can I join a community?
The users who are members of the workspace can join the communities available to them from the Workspace Landing page. by clicking on the Join Community button.
This will take then to the community page and a pop up will appear to join the community. Once joined, members can start participating.
If community approval is enabled for the community, the following message will appear after joining the community - Join request set. A moderator will appear your membership as soon as possible. Such communities will show at the end of Communities You Can Join list with text Join Request Sent.
Once the moderator has approved the membership, the member can participate.
If there are no joinable communities, the member will see the following message on the Workspace homepage.
How can I submit an idea?
Member can submit an idea by logging into the community and clicking on the Submit button below the campaign carousel.
Members can also click on the + Submit button on the top bar.
This will open up the Idea submission form where they can add additional details about the idea. If not ready to submit just yet members have the option to save their idea details in draft mode.
The idea submitter can also add co-submitters to the ideas who will act as co-authors and have similar permissions.
How can I leave an idea I am co-author/co-submitter of?
In case a member do not support the idea to which they are added as co-submitter, they can leave the idea. To do so, go to the idea details page and click on the idea submitters list. Leave Co-Submitters option will be available at the end of the list. Click on it to leave the idea as co-submitters. All the idea submitter privileges will be revoked and idea will be removed from My ideas list.
How can I vote on an idea?
In order to vote for an idea, members need to log in to the community. Once they are logged in, simply click on the up or down arrow button of the idea to vote upon.
Note: In case the community administrator has disabled voting, members will not be able to see these buttons.
How can I comment on an idea?
If members wish to comment on an idea, simply click on the comment icon link below the idea description. Commenting on an idea makes the commenter automatically the idea follower.
They will be taken to the idea detail page where they can see a comment field to enter text.
When there are too many comments for an idea, they have an option to sort the comments by 'Recent', 'Oldest', and 'Votes' which are votes of the comment.
How can I see my activity within the community?
To see members' community activity, they need to click on their avatar or display name from the dropdown on the top right-hand corner of their community. They will be taken to the About section of Profile page where their activity details will be visible per community.