Notification Emails

Path: Community Settings >> General Settings >> Email and Notifications >> Notification Emails
Settings where the administrator can manage notification emails sent to end-users. 

Notification Emails fall under the Basic setting.

Screenshot 2023-01-11 at 12.11.44 PM

1) Email Verification Notification: The administrator of the community can always contact support to change the life span of the link in the verification email which is sent to a user. If the user tries to click on it after it has expired, he will be taken to the community login page instead of directly auto-logging into the community.
2) Member Password Reset: This is to set a timeframe for the validation of the member password reset email which is received for 'Forgot Password". The administrator can always contact support in case they wish to change or set the time to 0 Hours and 0 Minutes, which will result in the link being active forever.


Last Updated: September 5, 2023