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March 2024 Product Feature Releases
We've released two new features this week that we wanted to share updates on. Below we'll outline what those features are and how they will affect any IdeaScale users.
See Campaign Subscribers
When navigating to a campaign, you can now see which users are subscribed to that campaign. Simply click the new "subscribers" button at the top of the campaign to see all members who have subscribed to that campaign.
Additionally, this list will allow you to search for any existing subscribers and sort the selection from the newest or oldest subscribers (based on the date they subscribed). Members who have hidden their identity will be counted in the subscriber total but will not appear when searching for subscribers.
Hide Moderators on the Team Tab
Another feature development is the ability to hide moderators from the team tab. By doing this, administrators can choose to hide or show both global and campaign moderators, helping direct campaign members to the correct touchpoints for that campaign.
Simply enter "Edit Mode" from the campaign team tab and select "Hide/Show Moderators" to change their campaign visibility. When hidden they will remain visible to admins, but will not appear for campaign members.
Thank you for keeping up to date with our product updates and we look forward to sharing more exciting features with you in the future!