Linked Ideas

All about idea linking from member, moderator & administrator perspectives

A common practice software companies use to organize product tickets is to link one ticket to another if they are similar or rely on one another. IdeaScale has created a similar feature that allows users to link one idea to another as per its relevance. System uses the keywords from idea title and description to show link idea results.

There are 5 types to link the ideas:

Similar to
: The idea which is similar in content to another idea.
Substantially equivalent to: The idea which is substantially equivalent, but is possibly not identical.
Relates to: The idea which is not possibly similar idea addressing the same issue/solution but addresses a related aspect or uses a related approach.
Is Part of: The idea is a small or substantial part of another broader idea.

Contains: The content of one idea is mostly contained within another idea.

Supports: The idea supports the other idea, which is different or better.

Supported by: It cross-references 'Supports'. The idea is supported by another idea.

Visibility of the feature to members

Visibility of the feature to moderators

Visibility of the feature to administrator and administrative settings
Email Notification

Visibility of the feature to members

The members of the community will be able to see this feature in various places as mentioned below.

1. Idea submission form

2. Idea edit page

3. Idea drafts

4. Idea Details Page

Visibility of the feature to moderators

Moderators will be able to use this feature in the following sections along with the sections shown under Visibility of the feature to members.

1. Incoming Moderation

2. Idea Portfolio

Visibility of the feature to Community administrator and administrative settings

1. Campaign settings under Idea Submission Tool

2. In Idea Export Data

3. In Idea Import Data

Email Notification

An email notification will be sent to the submitter of the idea that has been linked to the main idea. However, the member who links the idea and the submitter of the main idea will not receive any notifications regarding this action.

Screenshot 2024-12-17 at 9.08.15 AM


  1. The linked idea will be attributed to the person who links it though, for previously linked ideas will be attributed to the community administrator.
  2. Ideas can be linked to other ideas from a different campaign as well.
  3. A private campaign idea that is linked to a public campaign idea will be visible only to the members authorized for that private campaign.

Last Updated: December 17, 2024