
What is a Leaderboard and how does it work?

The Leaderboard is a great way to promote your community and get users to participate! 😁

On the homepage, you can see the top community members for Kudos Received, Kudos Given, Idea Submissions, Comments, Votes, and Total Engagements.

The leaderboard shows the top 10 community members for Kudos Received, Kudos Given, Idea Submissions, Comments, Votes, and Total Engagements. It also highlights your position on the board.

Members can navigate to each section and see all the members within it.

Leaderboard Filter

All leaderboards as well as each leaderboard section can be filtered according to campaigns, member groups, and time period.



Time Period:
Leaderboard can be filtered for all time, last 4/8/12 weeks, last 6/12 months, or last 4/6/8 quarters.

Note: If you select the last 4 weeks, it will show data excluding the current week. The same applies to months and quarters data. Leaderboard data is not updated on real-time, it updates on Sunday midnight.

Note: The Leaderboard can be turned off by the community Admin. Click here to
learn more.


Last Updated: October 4, 2023