Kudos 👏

Reward your members with Kudos!

This feature enables members to bestow Kudos 👏 upon each other. Members are granted one Kudo per day, which they can award to an idea or comment author. They have the option of giving one or more Kudos to the same author, or they can accumulate them and award them all at once.

  1. Community Kudos

  2. Awarding Kudos

  3. Visibility

  4. In-app Notifications
  5. Disable Kudos

Community Kudos

Community Kudos is the in-app notification section situated on the side navigation bar which displays who gave a member a Kudo. It also displays the number of Kudos received, given, and remaining to be given out by the logged-in member.

If a member has not awarded any Kudos for several days, those Kudos will be accumulated and can be awarded all at once. The number of Kudos available for awarding can be viewed in the Remaining count.

Awarding Kudos

Kudos can be awarded by clicking on the Kudos emoticon👏 , appearing beside the name of a member on the idea or the comment. Hovering on the 👏 will show the list of members who were awarded those Kudos.

On Idea:

On Comments:

If a member has more Kudos collected and wishes to award more than one Kudo to other members, he can continue to click on the Kudos emoticon👏 multiple times.

The purpose of Kudos is to promote engagement and recognition among members. Kudos are intended to be given to those who contribute ideas and comments to the community, and members cannot award Kudos to themselves.

Kudos can be awarded from the following places:

Idea List View

Grid View

Idea Details Page: Idea

Idea Details Page: Comment


Kudos received and given are visible at various places. Let's see them in detail.

Member Profile Page

Navigating to a member's profile page will show the number of Kudos received by them.


Members will be able to see the top 10 members leading in the Kudos received and Kudos given count.

The leaderboard can be filtered by the Metric - Kudos received & Kudos given. Members can also filter by Campaigns, Groups and as per the time period to see top rankers in that timeframe.

In-app Notifications

Kudos received and given by a member can be viewed by them under the Kudos tab of In-app Notifications.

For frequently asked questions about Kudos see the help article FAQ on Kudos

Disable Kudos

Community admin has the ability to disable Kudos at campaign level. When disabled, it hides the kudo option for ideas and comments in the specific campaign while it continues to appear for campaigns where Allow Kudos is enabled.

The admin can disable Kudos from Campaign Settings >> Edit Campaign >> Basic Information >> Behaviours and Permissions. 

Screenshot 2025-01-06 at 7.00.02 AM

When Kudos is disabled for a specific campaign, the Kudos icon will not be displayed for ideas and comments related to that campaign on the homepage.


Last Updated: January 6, 2025