Bulk importing idea owners
Path: Community Topbar >> Apps icon >> Community Settings >> Data Management >> Import Data >> Import Idea Owners
The community administrator can now easily bulk import members to be assigned as Idea owners for various ideas.

- Select Campaign: Select a specific campaign from the dropdown to which the idea owners need to be imported.
- File to upload: Choose the excel file to be uploaded.
- Disable Notification: This option is used for disabling email notifications to the users while importing ideas owners.
- Generate Template: It is always recommended to use this option for importing Idea owners. The template will provide with the exact columns that are required in the sheet.

Instructions for the Excel File:
2. Idea Url: The template will generate all the short idea URL. We are not required to make any changes.
3. Email Address of the person assigning owner: The email address of the member assigning the owner will be required to be added in the third column. This member should be an assigned moderator in the community.
4. Date (YYYY-MM-DD-HH-SS): This column cannot be left blank. If the community admin
do not want to update any previous dates they will have to follow the format mentioned in the fourth column.The date field has to be in MM-DD-YYYY format. While populating dates excel automatically converts the field to date type. Please set this column to the 'text-type' field.
5. Assignment Message(Optional): An assignment message to new Idea Owners is optional. The community admin can leave this column blank if they do not wish to add any message.
6. Email Address of Idea Owner 1: Add in the email address of the member the community admin would like to assign as an Idea Owner.
7. Email Address of Idea Owner 2: Add in the email address of the member the community admin would like to assign as a second Idea Owner.
8. Email Address of Idea Owner 3: Add in the email address of the member the community admin would like to assign as a third Idea Owner.
The community admin can increase or decrease the number of columns for the Email Address of Idea Owner they would like as per how many Idea Owners they would like to be assigned to an idea. The template has 3 columns provided for the input.
Once the excel sheet has been successfully uploaded the community admin will receive an email notification regarding the import. In case there has been some issue they will receive an email with the error occurred.