Submitting ideas on behalf of user
Path: Community Topbar >> Apps icon >> Community Settings >> Campaigns >> Manage Campaigns >> Edit Campaign >> Ideas Submission Tool >> Submit Ideas on Behalf of
Whether it's migrating idea data from another platform into IdeaScale, collecting ideas offline and importing them into IdeaScale, or troubleshooting user idea submissions, administrators often need to step in and submit ideas on behalf of their users.
Submit Idea on Behalf of is visible in the Idea Submission Tool tab in Idea submission element present at the right side of the screen. Simply drag and drop the 'Submit Idea on Behalf of' in the Idea Submission Form section and save the changes.
Note: This action must be repeated for each campaign in which the community administrator wishes to enable this setting for the Campaign Administrator.
Ways to submit ideas on behalf of users
1. Individual idea submission using idea submission form
When there is a need to submit just a single or few ideas on users behalf, administrators can do it from the idea submission form using Submit idea on behalf of option.

2. Multiple/bulk Idea submission using idea upload tool
It is tedious to submit ideas on behalf of users using the idea submission form when there are multiple ideas to be submitted. Bulk import tool can be very helpful in such case.
Community administrators can upload ideas alone or along with attachments.

Note: When an idea is submitted on behalf of a member, that member automatically becomes idea follower.
Help Article on Import Ideas and Attachments