Path and details about idea votes and comment votes in export
Path: Community Topbar >> Apps Icon >> Reporting >> Export data >> Export Idea Votes
Community Administrators can export the vote data from a community to an Excel sheet or CSV file. Moreover, data can be filtered Campaign-wise for a specific period of time.
Filter Data with
Output format: Idea data can be exported in the following formats
Microsoft Excel sheet (.xls) format
XML (RSS 2.0)
Date: The community administrator can specify the start date and the end date to download data for a specific period of time. If this field is minimized, all data from the beginning to the current date will be exported.
- Select your timezone: You may select your preferred timezone for viewing the exported data, allowing for a more personalized experience instead of adhering to the community's default timezone.
Campaign: The community administrator can select the campaign to download the desired data. Selecting 'All campaigns' will export data including 'Archived Campaigns'.
Fields on exported excel sheet
Sheet 1: Contains Idea votes along with the following fields:
Up/Down - Shows if the user has Voted for an idea ( Up Vote) or against it (Downvote).
Voter ID - IdeaScale generates a unique identification number for all its members. The Voter Id is the same as the member's identification number.
Voter Name - Shows the voter's profile name
Email Address - Shows the voter's email address.
Idea ID - The Idea ID is used by the system to uniquely identify an idea within the community.
Idea Number - is similar to Idea ID in its uniqueness. But unlike Idea IDs, Idea Numbers are consecutive (unless some ideas have been deleted) It's mainly used by members to locate ideas using the search function.
Idea - Shows the idea's title.
Stage ID - The Stage ID is used to identify the stage in which the idea resides.
Stage Name - The Stage name of the stage in which the idea resides is mentioned.
Idea URL - This is the idea URL.
Timestamp - Shows the date and the time at which the user voted on the idea.
Voter IP address – Voter’s internet network IP address.
Sheet 2: Contains Comment votes along with the following fields:
Up/Down - Shows if the user has agreed with the comment (Up Vote) or disagreed (Downvote).
Voter ID - IdeaScale generates a unique identification number for all its members. The Voter Id is the same as one’s member identification number.
Voter Name - Shows the Voters Profile name
Email Address - Shows the voter's email address.
Idea - Shows the idea's title.
Comment Summary - Shows actual comment.
Comment URL - This is the comment URL.
Timestamp – Shows the date and the time at which the user voted on the comment.
Note: The idea title and idea description columns will display the customised names if it is customised in the Idea Submission form.