Notifications Administrators can receive
Administrators can automate email notifications for various approvals and other activities done within the community.
IdeaScale has 5 types of Administrators:
- Workspace Administrators
Community Administrators
Campaign Group Administrators
Campaign Administrators
Custom Admin
Here is the list of email notifications received by all Administrators:
1. Receive e-mail notification on account updated as Administrator: Member will receive the email notification for account updated to Workspace/ Community/ Campaign/ Campaign group/ Custom Administrator.
2. Receive Email Notification for New Workspace Member Signup: The Workspace administrators will receive an email notification when a new user registers to the workspace or is uploaded to the community by the Community administrator.
3. Receive Email Notification for New Workspace Member Approval: The Workspace administrators will receive an email notification when a new member approval is required at the workspace level.
4.Receive Email Notification for New Community Member: The Community administrator will receive an email notification when a new user joins the community.
5. Receive Email Notification for New Community Member Approval: The community administrators will receive an email notification when a new member's approval is required at the community level.
6. Receive Email Notification for Private Comments: The Community Administrators and moderators will get an email notification for private comments.
7. Receive Email Notification for Community Task: Community Administrators will receive pending Community Task email notifications. There are 4 types of community task digest frequency:
a) Daily-Digest
b) Weekly Digest
c) Monthly Digest
d) Disabled
8. Receive Digest Email Notification (Weekly/ Daily): The Community Administrator will receive digest email notifications on a weekly/ daily basis.
9. Receive Email Notification for Trending Ideas: Administrators will receive email notifications for trending ideas. There are 3 types of notifications:
a) Trending ideas in Real-Time.
b) Trending ideas in Weekly Digest.
c) Trending ideas in Monthly Digest.
10. Receive Email Notification for Innovation Assistant Tip: Community Administrator will receive email notifications for innovation assistant tip.
Note: Community administrators will receive an innovation assistant tip email when a community is not visited by anyone for a long time or has no activity for a long time (like more than one month). After a certain time, if anyone visits the community, some innovation assistant tip email is sent to community administrators.
11. Receive Email Notification for Member Self Removal: Workspace Administrator will receive email notifications when a member leaves the workspace, removing themselves from the Workspace.

12. Receive Email Notification when Members are locked: Workspace and community administrators will receive an email daily with details of members that are locked due to inactivity or wrong password.
If the Workspace Administrator is also the Workspace Owner, the following email notification will be received by them:
a) Broadcast Email Status
b) Member Bulk Import
c) Bulk Hide Identity
d) Member Status Bulk Import for Upload/ Update
e) Idea Import
f) Batch Process Email
g) Batch Translation Email
h) Export Batch Process Email
i) All export data emails