An overview of all settings under Data management.
Path: Community Settings >> Data Management
This setting allows administrators to manage the data within the community in different ways. Ideascale offers the adoption of importing ideas and votes, erasing data from the community, and also rebuilding data within the community. It is separated in 2 major toggle sections:
Data Management Settings: Basic
Toggling the switch to Basic from any section under Community Settings will show the following settings:
Import Data
Importing data gives administrators easy access to add in bulk ideas and votes to the community.
a. Import Ideas:
This setting helps administrators to import bulk ideas in a community by using an Excel sheet.
b. Import Comments:
This setting helps administrators to import bulk comments in a community by using an Excel sheet.
c. Import Idea Owners:
This settings helps administrators to bulk import idea owners for ideas by using an Excel sheet.
d. Import Votes:
This setting helps administrators to import bulk votes for ideas in a community by using an Excel sheet.
Data Management Setting: Advanced
Toggling the switch to Advanced will show the following setting in addition to the Basic settings mentioned above:
Erase Community Data
This feature gives administrators a way to erase the ideas from the entire community or erase all the ideas and members from the community.