Export Idea Data at a community level
Path: Community Topbar >> Apps Icon >> Reporting >> Export data >> Export Idea Data
The export Idea data feature allows community administrators to export a complete set of Ideas data including all attachments for archival purposes. Data can be generated in Excel format. Upon clicking ‘Export Data’, a link to the file will be generated which can then be downloaded and at the same time, an automated email with a file attachment will be sent to the administrator as a receipt of the request performed. Community admin can also access the file at a later date from Reporting >> Export Data >> Data Export Log
1) Export Ideas Attachments
Only if the administrator enables this setting a zip file containing all attachment files within will be exported along with the idea report file.
2) Filter Data with
Date: You can select the start date and end date to download data for a specific period of time. If this field is left blank, all idea data from the beginning to the current date will be exported.
Campaign: You can select the campaign for which you wish to download the data. Selecting 'All campaigns' will export data including 'Archived Campaigns'
3) Select your Timezone
Select the timezone in which you want the exported data's date and time format to appear.
4) Include Geo Location
Enabling this will show the City, Region & Country for the idea which were submitted while member allowed geo location to be recorded.
Note: Location is determined by IP address. In some cases users may be using a VPN to mask their location. We report to the best of our ability.
Fields on exported excel sheet
Sheet 1: Contains Ideas data in detail with the following fields
Date/Time Idea ID, Idea Number, Stage, Author Name, Author Email Address, Campaign, Campaign Group (If any), Total Votes, Votes Up, Votes Down, Comment Count, Idea Title, Idea detail, Tags, Idea URL, Attachment, Idea owner, Contributors, City, Region & Country (If Include Geo-Location is enabled), Stage details, Last Stage Change, Private, Annotations, Linked Ideas depending upon the relation such as Similar Ideas, Substantially Equivalent Ideas, Related Ideas, Is part of Ideas, Contains Ideas and Custom Fields.
Note: The Last Stage Change date will be in community-selected date format and in case there has been no stage change the column will be empty.
Sheet 2: This sheet contains Comments data with the following fields.
Date, Idea ID, Idea Number, Author, Author Email Address, Comment, Attachment if any
Sheet 3: contains Pending Ideas (similar to sheet 1 format) which are yet to be approved by a moderator.
Sheet 4: contains Recycle bin Ideas (similar to sheet 1 format) which are stored in recycle bin status.
Sheet 5: contains Off-Topic Ideas (similar to sheet 1 format) which are marked as Off-topic by the moderation.
Sheet 6: contains Attachment details with the following fields: Idea ID, Author Email Address, File Name, Notes, File Size, Date, and time of attachment.
1. The idea title and idea description columns will display the customised names if it is customised in the Idea Submission form.
2. Any images that is pasted in ideas or comments section will be auto named using random set of characters.