Commands for IdeaScale App for Slack

Commands for using IdeaScale App for Slack

For directions on how to set up Slack click here!

Learn more commands to interact with the App:

/ideascale setup: One-time setup for your community

/ideascale setup ls retrieve all community setups

/ideascale setup delete [yourCommunityAlias]: Delete a community setup using your community alias

/ideascale login: Authorize this application to access your IdeaScale account

/ideascale logout: Remove this application's access to your IdeaScale account

/ideascale subscribe: Subscribe yourself to daily community posts

/ideascale unsubscribe: Cancel your daily subscription

/ideascale ideas: Show pending ideas

/ideascale hot: Post top 3 community hot ideas 

/ideascale members: Approve/Disapprove pending members

/ideascale leaderboard: Your community's leaderboard

/ideascale submit idea: Submit a new idea

Optional Idea custom field will not be displayed on the idea submission form in the IdeaScale App for Slack.

/ideascale me: Show profile information

/ideascale campaign activity: Show activity information for desired campaign

/ideascale help: Repeat this help message

For specific help on any command: /ideascale help COMMAND (i.e. /ideascale help members). Use the Submit idea from message Slack Action on any message to create from the contents of that message.

To Send a message to the Ideascale bot directly to send feedback about this IdeaScale app for Slack.


Last Updated: August 1, 2023