Bulk Upload Members Status

Efficiently Manage Member Status with Bulk Updates Using the Import Feature

Path: Member Management >> Import tab >> Members Status

Bulk upload member status helps you in updating or changing the status of multiple existing members in a jiffy. Whether a member is in Pending approval, Approved or Banned status, you can modify it by uploading an Excel sheet and assigning them a new status. 

In case there is a malicious content, virus or malware during the upload it will show an error and the upload will fail.


  1. The excel sheet should be .xls and .xlsx format only.

  2. The columns in the sheet are fixed first being the Email and second as Membership Status.

  3. While uploading the Excel sheet you would need to mention the New status as Pending for pending approval, Member for approved member and Banned to ban a member. 

For instance you could upload the Excel Sheet with new status in the following format.

Last Updated: June 28, 2023