Bulk hiding user's identity

Path: Member Management >> Import tab >> Hide Identity

The bulk hiding identity feature will be displayed in the Import Tab only if you enable the  setting Hide my Identity from Community Settings >> Customization >> Customize Site Behavior >> User Profile Screen. The administrator gets the ability to conceal the identities of numerous current members of the community by using the bulk import method.


In case there is malicious content, virus, or malware during the upload it will show an error and the upload will fail.


When the administrator hides the identity of a community member they will appear as 'Community Member' (screenshot below) instead of showing their name. Their profile image will be hidden as well.


Upload an excel sheet with one column which contains all the emails of the members' identities you wish to hide.


Excel File Format

  • The file should be in Excel format which can be .xls or .xlsx format.

Last Updated: September 5, 2023