Auto-save function for Drafting Idea

How to save an Idea using 'Auto-save'

IdeaScale provides an Auto-Save function on the Idea Submission window where anything the user types on Idea Title, Idea Description, or response of Custom Field gets auto-saved after every 3 minutes and puts them to 'Draft' without having to manually save as draft. 

The Idea Submission Form is filled up with Idea Title, Idea Description, and also the response of a custom field.

Now, users that stay at least 3 minutes in this Idea Submission Form so that provided Idea Title, Idea Description, and the response of a Custom Field will get time to save automatically without clicking on Save as a draft. After that, the user can navigate to another page but the user will not lose any information. Say, for example, the Home icon is clicked for going to the Home page.

When a user will go back to the Idea Submission Form after completing other tasks and also viewing the community's other pages, the user will see that all information is stored in the Draft section where the user will be able to edit the idea or view the draft idea. The screenshot is attached here as a reference.


Note: Contents of Comment section are stored in local storage by default when user will type comment and leave that page without clicking on Submit button.

Members are reminded about their draft ideas via email after 24 (or more) hours since the draft was first saved. The second email reminder will be sent 4 days/96 (or more) hours since the first reminder was sent. The third email will be sent 7 days/168 (or more) hour.

Note: Auto- save function for drafting ideas will not work for read-only communities.


Last Updated: August 16, 2023