Analyze Text

Details about Analyze Text option

Path: Community topbar >> Apps icon >> Idea management  >> Action (button) >> Analyze Text

This feature analyzes text within ideas to produce a list of common topics of discussion. It compiles a collection of relatively-unique words/tag counts for all selected ideas.

To use Analyze text run a search query for any single or combination of commands like campaign, stage, etc.

Note: Analyze text can also be used without running any search query where it will analyze all the ideas within the community.

The below image shows a search query for Selected ideas within the campaign Recycle having a Recycled tag.

Moderator can select the ideas which need to be analyzed and then select the option Analyze Text from the Action tab.

The Text analyzer will show the following:

1. Text Analysis: This will show the query run by the moderator along with the number of ideas selected for analysis.

2. Significant Keywords: This shows the number of words repeating in the selected idea. The count above each word signifies the number of ideas that the word occurs in. Clicking on the keyword will navigate the moderator to the page showing the ideas in which it occurs.

3. Community-contributed Tags:
This shows the community tags (if any) appearing in the ideas along with their count. Clicking on the tag word will navigate the moderator to the page showing the ideas in which it occurs.

4. Moderator-contributed Tags:
This shows the moderator tags (if any) appearing in the ideas along with their count. Similar to Community tags, clicking on the moderator tag word will navigate the moderator to the page showing the ideas in which it occurs.

Once the moderator is navigated to the ideas by clicking on any Significant Keywords, Community Tags, or Moderator Tags, they can carry out further action on those ideas using any action the idea Portfolio section caters under Action tab like Link, or Tag, etc.

Last Updated: December 6, 2024