Export Member Roles

Path and details about member roles export

Path: Settings Dropdown >> Reporting & Analysis >> Export Data >> Export Member Roles

Export Member Roles gives the administrator the list of members who are assigned in the roles of various types of Administrators & Moderators. Once the administrator clicks on Export Data a link to the file will be generated which can then be downloaded. You can access the file at a later date from Community Settings >> Reports >> Data Export Log.

Fields on Exported Excel sheet

Community Administrators (Sheet 1): This sheet contains Email address and Admin groups of those email addresses.

Campaign Group Administrators (Sheet 2): Contains Email addresses, Campaign Group Name and Admin groups.

Campaign Administrators (Sheet 3): Contains Email addresses and Campaign Names of assigned Campaign administrators.

Global Moderators (Sheet 4): Contains Email addresses of the Global moderators.

Campaign Moderators (Sheet 5): Contains Email addresses and Campaign Names of assigned Campaign moderators.

Group Moderators (Sheet 6): Contains Email addresses and Member group names.

Custom Field Moderators (Sheet 7): Contains Email addresses, Custom Field names, and Choice Options of those custom fields.

Last Updated: September 17, 2023