Export Ideas in Idea Portfolio

Path: Settings Dropdown >> Idea Portfolio

Idea Portfolio allows moderators to export idea details for selected or all ideas in excel or CSV format. This exported file will only display in the export library of the Idea Portfolio section only. In order to select all ideas, you would need to check the title of ideas on each page.

Once you have selected the ideas and format of export you will see a message stating the export process has started and upon completion, you will get the processing message.

You can see the file in the export library.

The exported files contain the Idea Number, Idea Url, Title, Description, Date of submission, Campaign, Stage, Time in Location, Time since the last action, Tags, Moderator Tags, Submitters, Owners, Net Views, Total views and any idea custom fields in the following column.

Below is an example of the exported file in excel format. 

Last Updated: March 11, 2024