Cumulative Vote vs Per Stage Basis Vote

Details about cumulative and per stage basis voting system as well as vote count change upon moving or merging ideas

Ideate stage permits to vote count either cumulatively or per stage basis. Ideate stage allows users to choose how the votes should be counted when voting is enabled.
Admin can select the vote count formula from the drop-down menu of the ideate stage.

Path: Community Settings >> Workflow >> Funnel Management >> Ideate Stage >> Stage Specific Settings

Cumulative Vote
Per Stage Basis Vote
Move Idea
Merge Idea

Cumulative Vote

Cumulative voting option is the default for the ideate stage.

  • When the vote count is selected as Cumulative, the vote count is preserved throughout the funnel.

  • End users can vote one time per idea.

Per Stage Basis Vote

If a funnel has more than one ideate stage, this allows selecting Per Stage Basis vote count method for the ideate stage.

  • This stage allows the same user to vote on the same idea when the idea is on a per-stage basis every time.

  • End-user can vote on the same idea every time whenever a new per stage basis ideate stage is created.

  • When the idea moves from cumulative to per stage basis ideate stage, vote count will be starting from zero. Vote will be counted from the idea's current stages stats.

  1. The stage-specific settings- Votes Should Be Counted As switch cannot be altered, once the vote is cast in the ideate stage.
  2. Only a single vote per user will be allowed in each such stage.
  3. If ideas move from cumulative/per stage basis to per stage basis/ cumulative, the previous ideate stage's vote cast will appear under the Activity tab.

Move Idea

Ideas can be moved from one stage to another stage OR one campaign to another campaign.

Stage Change

Campaign Change

Stage Change

If ideas move from one ideate (cumulative/per stage basis) stage to another ideate (cumulative/per stage basis) stage-

a) Condition: Cumulative to Cumulative Stage


  • User votes on an idea that is in the cumulative ideate stage.

  • Idea moves to another cumulative ideate stage.


End users can not vote again on the same idea and the previous vote cannot be retracted.

b) Condition: Per Stage Basis to Per Stage Basis Stage


  • User votes on an idea that is in the per stage basis ideate stage.

  • Idea moves to another per stage basis ideate stage.


End users can vote again on the same idea and the new vote will be counted as a stage-specific vote cast.

c) Condition: Cumulative to Per Stage Basis Stage


  • User votes on an idea that is in the cumulative ideate stage.

  • Idea moves to per stage basis ideate stage.


End users can vote again on the same idea and the vote cast will start from zero.

d) Condition: Per Stage Basis to Cumulative Stage


  • User votes on an idea that is in the per stage basis ideate stage.

  • Idea moves to cumulative ideate stage.


End users can vote again on the same idea and the vote cast will start from zero.

  1. In the export idea data report, cumulative and per stage basis vote cast will be summed up together.
  2. If an idea moves to a different funnel cumulative/ per stage basis ideate stage and it has previous stage vote, vote cast will start from zero again in the new funnel stage. But the export idea data report shows the total vote cast of the previous stage and present stage.

Campaign Change

If an idea moves from one campaign to another campaign.

a) Condition:

Change campaign within the same funnel.


Idea will be moved with the previous vote count to the new campaign.

b) Condition:

Change campaign with different funnel.


  • Vote count will start from zero in the campaign and the previous campaign's votes cast will not be moved along with the ideas to the new campaign.

  • Previous campaign vote count will be visible under the Activity tab.

  • In the Export Idea Data report, the total vote count will sum up (previous campaign vote and new campaign vote)

 If the idea moves to a different stage while changing the campaign the previous votes will still be visible in the Export Idea Data report (even if the new campaign funnel has no ideate stage).


Last Updated: July 31, 2023