All emails received for campaign specific actions
To allow for further customization we have made a few enhancements to our campaign-specific imagery. Campaign-related emails will include the Campaign Banner as the email header. In cases where an Admin has opted not to customize the campaign banner, those emails will be filled with the Community email banner. Here is the list of which emails will include the campaign banner:
1. Idea Mention Email
2. Campaign Invitation Email
3. Idea Inactivity Emails
4. New Idea Notification
5. Idea Submitted Behalf
6. Assessment Reminder Email
7. Comment Approval Email
8. Comment Flag Email
9. Idea Approval Email
10. Idea Owner Assigned
11. New Comment
12. New Comment Mention
13. Private Comment
14. Idea Flag Email
15. Idea Stage Change
16. Idea Share
17. Pending task email
18. Thank you email
1. Idea Mention Email
This email is received when a member mentions you in the idea description custom field.
2. Campaign Invitation Email
This email is received when a campaign invitation is sent by the administrator from Campaign settings >> Campaign Invitation.
3. Idea Inactivity Email
This email is received when an idea has been inactive for more than the allowed days set by the administrator under Community Settings >> General Settings >> Emails & Notifications >> Idea Inactivity Email.
4. New Idea Notification
This email is received when a new idea is submitted in the campaign.
5. Idea Submitted Behalf
This email is received by the Idea author when an administrator submits an idea on behalf of a member.
6. Assessment Reminder Email
This email is received if admin manually triggers a reminder email for all assessors using Remind all option from Funnel Management >> Stats
7. Comment Approval Email
This email is received by a moderator when a comment is submitted while New comment approval is On.
8. Comment Flag Email
This is an email received by the members when a member flags a comment as abuse or duplicate using Labels.
9. Idea Approval Email
This email is received by a moderator when an idea is submitted while New idea approval is On.
10. Idea Owner Assigned
This email is received when a member is assigned as Idea owner for an idea.
11. New Comment
This email is received when a new comment is submitted for an idea.
12. New Comment Mention
This email is received when a member is @mentioned while submitting a comment.
13. Private Comment
This is an email received by the administrators and moderators of the community when This is private (internal) comment option is enabled while submitting a comment.
14. Idea Flag Email
This is an email received by the members when a member flags an idea as abuse or duplicate using Labels.
15. Idea Stage Change
This is an email received by the members when an idea stage is changed manually or automatically.
16. Idea Share
This is received when a member share an idea with another member using Share idea option on idea detail page.
17. Pending task email
This is triggered from Idea Portfolio using Moderate idea >> Stage Task Reminder. A similar email will be received for each stage task reminder
Note: The above emails will only be received if those options are enabled by the member in their own Personal Settings >> Notification >> Settings for that campaign.
18. Receive Thank you email for Idea Submission: An email will be sent to idea submitter thanking for submitting idea.